Bash – Spawn new terminal window with the same directory as the previous window


I'm running Awesome WM on the latest Arch Linux with Gnome Terminal and the default bash. I've managed to get this working, but I wonder if any form of improvement is possible with this implementation. The question does NOT relate to opening new tabs, only to spawning new terminal windows with Awesome WM.

I have rewritten the "cd" command to save the current working directory in the ".cd_extend" file:


alias cd='source ~/.cd_extend'



command cd $1
echo $(pwd) > ~/.terminal_directory

When I spawn a new terminal, the ".terminal_directory" is read and appended as an argument to gnome terminal's "–working-directory" flag.



DIR=$(cat ~/.terminal_directory)
gnome-terminal --working-directory=$DIR

awesomewm rc.lua

terminal   = "~/.dotfiles/"
awful.key({ modkey, }, "Return", function () awful.util.spawn(terminal) end)

I wonder if I have missed any internal bash functionality which could have simplified this and if there is room for improvement.

Best Answer

In the menu of Gnome-terminal, use:

File --> Open Terminal 

That will open a new window using the pwd as the directory.

Also, you may set the open tabs:

Edit --> Preferences --> General --> Open new terminals in: --> select tab.

So new terminals will open in the same window with the same pwd.
You will still be able to open new windows if needed:

Alt-F2 --> gnome-terminal

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