Bash – sourcing a Bash script – Return on Error, instead of Exit


I'm sourcing a bash script in the terminal, so exiting on error with

set -o errexit

kills my terminal, which is EXTREMELY ANNOYING, because I have to close the terminal, open another one, and reset some variables.

So far, using

command || return

lines, in the script, is doing exactly what I want

set -o errexit

to do… But I want it done for the entire script; not just one line/command

I have a file full of commands for setting up a site, and I'd rather not do command || return

for every single line in the file

Is there another set option, or something else that will just "return" instead of exiting the terminal?

Just for clarity, I'd like to kill the script, and leave the terminal in the same state that pressing ctrl+C to kill a service running in the terminal would. command || return does that. But I don't want to tack on || return to every line in the file. So I'm looking for something similar to set -o errexit, that doesn't cause the terminal to shut down

— Note:
Creating a dumb script with two lines in it (

source $create_path blah

And placing set -o errexit at the top of,

works exactly as I expect it. However, it's really stupid to have to create a file with two lines in it, just to call another bash script, instead of just calling it from the terminal. Ugghhh

here's some examples:



source $create_path blah


set -o errexit
#line below this is a line that fails and will cause the script to stop and return to the terminal as expected 
sed "s/@@SITE_NAME@@/$dirname" 
~/Desktop/site_builder/template_files/base.html > ~/Desktop/$dirname/templates/base.html # a line with a stupid error

in the terminal:

 $ bash

output as expected:


This works. What an annoying solution.

I want , ideally, to execute what's in the stupid file from the terminal, not the file :D, without having the terminal shut down on me. This is what happens with what I'm trying to do:

terminal command:

my-mac$ source $create_path blah

in I still have set -o errexit

Here's the output on the terminal

    sed: 1: "s/@@SITE_NAME@@/blah": unterminated substitute in regular expression
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]

And then the terminal is frozen. Ctrl+C doesn't work, neither does Ctrl+D

If instead of set -o errexit , if I just use command || return statements everywhere in the file, then I get exactly what I want , while executing the lines in directly on the terminal (instead of calling from the terminal). But that's not a practical solution either.

Note: I liked @terdon 's answer about just spawning a child shell
so I ended up just spawning a sub shell via the script instead of the terminal, as he showed in his answer using the braces ( ), around the entire script.. His answer works too.

Best Answer

Simply source the file with a failsafe:

source the-source-file || true

... then the overall command won't fail, even if source does.

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