Bash Shell Script – Search Directory Recursively for Files Listed in CSV and Copy

bashcommand linecsv-simpleshell-script

I have a directory (let's call it "Movies") which contains many files and folders. I have a long list of file names in a .csv file (around 4000 entries) which refer to files which are located somewhere within the Movies directory sub-folders.

How can I search the Movies directory recursively for the files listed in the .csv and copy them to a separate directory ("Sorted_Media")?

EDIT: Hi, I have attached an example section of the csv. There are two columns of data (from a spreadsheet), which are separated by a comma delimiter in the .csv. The first colum of file names are the ones that I need to search (i.e. NOT the KA* file names). Some of the file names do have spaces so this is something which need to be considered as someone else pointed out.

preservation stocklshots - 16ln916-963.mp4,KA0003773-002.mp4
Preservation Stockshots_ 16LN916-963.mp4,KA0003773-001.mp4
Preservation Stockshots_16LN679-738.mp4,KA0003775-002.mp4
Preservation Stockshots_16LN01-52.mp4,KA0003776-002.mp4
Preservation Stockshots_LN566-LN624.mp4,KA0004507-001.mp4
Preservation Stockshots_LN675-LN705.mp4,KA0004508-001.mp4
Preservation Stockshots_LN706-752.mp4,KA0004509-001.mp4
Preservation Stockshots_LN930-LN972.mp4,KA0004511-001.mp4
Preservation Stockshots_LN1023-LN1059.mp4,KA0004513-001.mp4
Preservation Stockshots_LN1152-LN1220.mp4,KA0004515-001.mp4
Preservation Stockshots_16LN320-379.mp4,KA0004517-001.mp4

Best Answer

while IFS=, read -r file rest
  find /path/to/movies_dir -name "${file}" -exec cp '{}' /path/to/Sorted_Media/ \;
done < mylist.csv

That assumes file names don't contain wildcard characters (?, [, * or backslash).

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