Bash – Fixing stty: Standard Input: Inappropriate ioctl for Device Error


I'm using here-documents in a bash script to automate installation and setup where a password is required many times. I enter the password once and the script passes it to the various commands. In most instances the here-document approach handles this fine. However, in one case I get this error:

Enter VNC password: stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Verify password:    
stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device

Please notice that this error message is from x11vnc -storepassword (not from sudo.)

My problem is related to x11vnc -storepasswd and here's my code:

sudo x11vnc -storepasswd ~/.vnc/passwd << ENDDOC

That obviously (from the error) does not work. I would appreciate a working example of how to implement sudo x11vnc -storepasswd ~/.vnc/passwd in a script.

In case it helps, the prompts look like this:

Enter VNC password:
Verify password:
Write password to /home/user/.vnc/passwd? [y]/n n

Will using expect be a better solution? If so, how would I use it in this case? (I have never used expect before but I have looked at a lot of examples since posting this question and I cannot get expect to work on my own.)

Best Answer

x11vnc expects its standard input to be a terminal, and it changes the terminal mode to avoid echoing the password as you're typing. When standard input isn't a terminal, the stty calls to turn echo off and back on fail, hence the warning that you see.

Expect is indeed a solution. Try this script (untested):

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn x11vnc -storepasswd ~/.vnc/passwd
expect "password:" {send "swordfish" "\r"}
expect "password:" {send "swordfish" "\r"}
expect "Write*\?" {send "y\r"}

Alternatively, if you can, use an authentication method other than RFB (-passwdfile, or an SSL client certificate).