Bash – scp files from particular folder in parallel


I want to scp files from machineA into my machineB and this is how I am doing it. I am copying bunch of files one by one from primary folder of machineA to primary folder of machineB and secondary folder of machineA to secondary folder of machineB.

trinity@machineB:~$ scp trinity@machineA:/data01/primary/* /data01/primary/
trinity@machineB:~$ scp trinity@machineA:/data02/secondary/* /data02/secondary/

Is there any way by which I can copy multiple files in parallel? Like five files at a time from a folder? So instead of copying one files at a time, I want to copy five files from primary or secondary folders respectively?

Basically I want to copy whatever is there in primary and secondary folders of machineA into machineB parallely.

I also have GNU Parallel installed on my box if I can use that. I tried below command but it doesn't work. I was expecting that it should copy 5 files in parallel at a time until everything gets copied from that folder.

parallel -j 5 scp trinity@machineA:/data01/primary/* /data01/primary/

Anything wrong with my parallel syntax? What is the best way by which I can copy five files in parallel from a remote folder until everything gets copied from it?

Best Answer

You need the * expansion to happen on the remote side:

ssh machineA 'parallel -j 5 scp {} machineB:/data01/primary/ ::: /data01/primary/*'
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