SSH – Running Commands on Remote Linux Server


I am writing a Bash Script wherein I need to run some set of commands on a remote Linux server from my local computer using SSH. I want the results to be displayed on the terminal screen or dump the results in a file on my local system.

How can achieve this? Is the following syntax correct?


ssh <user>@<remote_host> 'COMMAND >> /path/to/file ; scp /path/to/file <user>@<local_host>:<location>; exit'

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

To have the results display on the terminal screen:

ssh <user>@<remote_host> COMMAND

To have the results saved to a file:

ssh <user>@<remote_host> COMMAND > FILE

To have the results both displayed on the terminal screen and saved to a file:

ssh <user>@<remote_host> COMMAND | tee FILE
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