Bash – rsync unknown option from bash script execution


I'm trying to simply sync a folder using rsync over my local network from my computer in front of me to the destination computer.


echo "This script will sync from my Macbook Dropbox/scripts/ folder to ruth@ @ Norms house"

OPTIONS="--recursive --ignore-existing --progress"
rsync "$OPTIONS" "$SRC_DIR" "$DST_DIR"

To give myself write privileges

chmod +x

When I run it, it outputs:

rsync: --recursive --ignore-existing --progress: unknown option

How do I properly store these options and run it as a script?

Best Answer

By quoting "$OPTIONS", the shell is passing it to rsync as a single string, so rsync is trying to find a single option named "--recursive --ignore-existing --progress", which obviously doesn't exist, since these are three separate options.

This should fix it for you:


A better option might be to use a bash array to store your options.

# ...
rsync "${OPTIONS[@]}" "$SRC_DIR" "$DST_DIR"

The advantage of using an array is that then you are able to introduce items that include spaces, if any are necessary.

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