Bash – rm command in bash script does not work with variable


I am doing a bash script to create a back-up of my mysql databases.
Actually, I would like to delete the old ones.

So, I create my script with variable for maintability.

The whole script is actually working, the only one thing who does not work, is the delete of the old ones. I was thinking it would be the easiest part.

Anyway, here is my code, can someone telle me what's wrong ?
And the rm command returns me : rm: impossible de supprimer « /path/to/backup/files/*.gz »: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type Which means rm: impossible to delete « /path/to/backup/files/*.gz »: no files or directory of this type

But what is really strange, first is that I found the script in a tutorial

Two, that if I launch myself the "rm /path/to/backup/files/*.gz" in a shell command, this is working and deleting all the .gz files (as excpected)



rm "$OUTPUT/*.gz"

databases=`mysql --user=$USER --password=$PASSWORD -e "SHOW DATABASES;" | tr -d "| " | grep -v Database`

for db in $databases; do
    if [[ "$db" != "information_schema" ]] && [[ "$db" != _* ]] && [[ "$db" != "performance_schema" ]] ; then
        echo "Dumping database: $db"
        mysqldump --force --opt --user=$USER --password=$PASSWORD --databases $db > $OUTPUT/`date +%Y%m%d`.$db.sql
        gzip $OUTPUT/`date +%Y%m%d`.$db.sql

Thank you,

Best Answer

An alternative way is to combine rm with find and/or xargs . These are some alternatives:

find "$output" -name *.gz -type f -delete
find "$output" -name "*.gz" -type f -exec rm '{}' \;
find "$output" -name *.gz -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm

PS: type f means to find for files.

By default find searches all subdirs. You can limit the find operation to the current directory if required by using maxdepth option:

find "$output" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.gz" -type f -exec rm '{}' \;

If you need to keep working with rm and a variable, this worked for me in one line:

out="/home/gv/Desktop/PythonTests/appsfiles";rm "$out"/*.txt
rm: remove regular file '/home/gv/Desktop/PythonTests/appsfiles/a.txt'? y
rm: remove regular file '/home/gv/Desktop/PythonTests/appsfiles/a ver 1.txt'? y
rm: remove regular file '/home/gv/Desktop/PythonTests/appsfiles/b.txt'? y
rm: remove regular file '/home/gv/Desktop/PythonTests/appsfiles/c.txt'? y
rm: remove regular file '/home/gv/Desktop/PythonTests/appsfiles/d.txt'? y
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