Bash – Removing redirection operator does not change output. Why

bashcommand lineioio-redirectionshell

I saw this usage of redirection somewhere, and thought it was a typo:

grep root < /etc/passwd

But after I run it, I saw that it gives the same output with
grep root /etc/passwd:

$ grep root < /etc/passwd

$ grep root   /etc/passwd

The same thing happens with

cat < /etc/passwd
cat   /etc/passwd

However, redirection is ignored when used with ls:

ls < /etc/passwd

does not print the same output with

ls  /etc/passwd

What is happening?

Best Answer

Many utilities which work with files will accept stdin (standard input) as streamed input, or accept the file-name as a parameter.. Your < file examples are redirecting the output of the file to the utility. The file was opened by the shell and passed on to your utility via stdin ..

On the other hand, with cat file, cat is handling the opening and reading of file, and no redirection is involved.

ls never reads a file, therefore it does not take a file name as a parameter with a view to opening and reading the file.. (it accepts file-name masks) ... For ls, the redirection action is, in effect, ignored because nothing in the process reads the shell-opened file...

To determine how any utility behaves, just type man utility-name in the terminal... man is a contraction of manual ... eg. man cat presents you with cat's manual