UNIX – Remove Files Older Than 5 Days with Date in Filename


I want to delete log files which are older than 5 days from a directory. But deletion should not be based on the timestamp of file. It should be based on the name of file. For Example todays date is 07/05/2012 and the directory contains 10 files of names like ABC_20120430.log, ABC_20120429.log, ABC_20120502.log, ABC_20120320.log etc. I want to be able to remove the files by extracting the date from the name of the file.

Best Answer

Based on date from filename:

THRESHOLD=$(date -d "5 days ago" +%Y%m%d)
ls -1 ABC_????????.log | 
  sed 'h;s/[_.]/ /g;G;s/\n/ /' | 
  while read A DATE B FILE
     [[ $DATE -le $THRESHOLD ]] && rm -v $FILE