Bash – Recursively iterate through files in a directory


Recursively iterating through files in a directory can easily be done by:

find . -type f -exec bar {} \;

However, the above does not work for more complex things, where a lot of conditional branches, looping etc. needs to be done. I used to use this for the above:

while read line; do [...]; done < <(find . -type f)

However, it seems like this doesn't work for files containing obscure characters:

$ touch $'a\nb'
$ find . -type f

Is there an alternative that handles such obscure characters well?

Best Answer

Yet another use for safe find:

while IFS= read -r -d '' -u 9
    [Do something with "$REPLY"]
done 9< <( find . -type f -exec printf '%s\0' {} + )

(This works with any POSIX find, but the shell part requires bash. With *BSD and GNU find, you can use -print0 instead of -exec printf '%s\0' {} +, it will be slightly faster.)

This makes it possible to use standard input within the loop, and it works with any path.

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