Bash – Re-run multiple history commands

bashcommand history

Imagine you've just run a dozen commands. Say…

$ cd foo/    # history cmd #10000 (my history is very long)
$ ... more commands ...
$ cd ../     # history cmd #10012 

I know I can re-run them concatenated with !-12 && !-11 && !-10 && (and so on) && !! if they happen to have just been run (unlikely) or !10000 && !10001 && !10002 && (and so on), but is there a simpler way than hand-typing each history number with a bang and ampersands?

Is there perhaps some kind of range thing I'm unaware of in bash?

e.g. !{10000-10012} # something like this, only working.

Best Answer

This is what the fc command is for. For the last 12 commands:

fc -12 -1

or for commands numbered #10000 to #10012

fc 10000 10012

This is not quite what you want as it will launch an editor first, but that is probably a good thing since it gives you a chance to double check that you have the correct commands and even edit them using all the capabilities of your favorite editor. Once you save you changes and exit the editor, the commands will be run one after another.