Bash – PS1=’$(pwd)’ why this works and why is this different from PS1=$(pwd)


Why when I enter this command the prompt changes to my directory?


I am using single quotes, which means no interpolation , a.k.a echo '$(pwd)' ——→ $(pwd)

Furthermore, say that we clarified why this works… why is it functioning differently from PS1=$(pwd) ? (no quotes at all)

By different I mean that if I use the quotes then the prompt will keep changing to my current directory as I navigate through the terminal. But if I don't use quotes, then the prompt will always remain the directory that I was in when I first entered the command PS1=$(pwd)


Best Answer

When you simply assign a value to a variable, the $(...) expression is evaluated unless it is enclosed in single quotes (or backslash-escaped). To understand, try and compare these two:

echo "$A"
echo "$B"

The value of A immediately becomes the string /home/yourusername and obviously it's not remembered where this string comes from, it stays the same even if you change directory. The value of B, however, becomes the literal string $(pwd) without getting interpreted.

Now, in the value of PS1 something special happens: whenever the prompt is printed, certain special constructs are interpreted, e.g. the command substitution $(...) is performed exactly the way it happened above at the assignment to the A variable. Obviously if your PS1 contains the literal string of your home directory (as above with A) then there's no way it could change. But if it contains the string $(pwd) (as above with B) then it is evaluated whenever the prompt is printed and hence your actual directory is displayed.

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