Bash Prompt – Abbreviate Current Directory Including Dot Files


I have the following in my .bash_profile (from a similar question here:

PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd2=$(sed "s:\([^/]\)[^/]*/:\1/:g" <<<$PWD)'
PS1='\u@\h:$pwd2\$ '

However, if the current directory is within a .dir (such as ~/.vim/bundle/) then the prompt just displays a .:


I would like it instead to retain 1 char for all dirnames unless it has a dot, in which case it would show two, like this:


Even better would be if I also have the home directory represented by a ~ like this:


Any ideas?

Best Answer

This seems to do the trick, adding an optional . to the capture:

PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd2=$(sed "s:\(\.\?[^/]\)[^/]*/:\1/:g" <<<$PWD)'
PS1='\u@\h:$pwd2\$ '

And for the 'even better':

PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd2=$(sed -e "s:$HOME:~:" -e "s:\(\.\?[^/]\)[^/]*/:\1/:g" <<<$PWD)'
PS1='\u@\h:$pwd2\$ '
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