Find Command – Preserve Directory Structure When Moving Files


I have created the following script that move old days files as defined from source directory to destination directory. It is working perfectly.


echo "Enter Your Source Directory"
read soure

echo "Enter Your Destination Directory"
read destination 

echo "Enter Days"
read days

 find "$soure" -type f -mtime "-$days" -exec mv {} "$destination" \;

  echo "Files which were $days Days old moved from $soure to $destination"

This script moves files great, It also move files of source subdirectory, but it doesn't create subdirectory into destination directory. I want to implement this additional feature in it.

with example

/home/ketan     : source directory

/home/ketan/hex : source subdirectory

/home/maxi      : destination directory

When I run this script , it also move hex's files in maxi directory, but I need that same hex should be created into maxi directory and move its files in same hex there.

Best Answer

Instead of running mv /home/ketan/hex/foo /home/maxi, you'll need to vary the target directory based on the path produced by find. This is easier if you change to the source directory first and run find .. Now you can merely prepend the destination directory to each item produced by find. You'll need to run a shell in the find … -exec command to perform the concatenation, and to create the target directory if necessary.

destination=$(cd -- "$destination" && pwd) # make it an absolute path
cd -- "$source" &&
find . -type f -mtime "-$days" -exec sh -c '
  mkdir -p "$0/${1%/*}"
  mv "$1" "$0/$1"
' "$destination" {} \;

Note that to avoid quoting issues if $destination contains special characters, you can't just substitute it inside the shell script. You can export it to the environment so that it reaches the inner shell, or you can pass it as an argument (that's what I did). You might save a bit of execution time by grouping sh calls:

destination=$(cd -- "$destination" && pwd) # make it an absolute path
cd -- "$source" &&
find . -type f -mtime "-$days" -exec sh -c '
  for x do
    mkdir -p "$0/${x%/*}"
    mv "$x" "$0/$x"
' "$destination" {} +

Alternatively, in zsh, you can use the zmv function, and the . and m glob qualifiers to only match regular files in the right date range. You'll need to pass an alternate mv function that first creates the target directory if necessary.

autoload -U zmv
mkdir_mv () {
  mkdir -p -- $3:h
  mv -- $2 $3
zmv -Qw -p mkdir_mv $source/'**/*(.m-'$days')' '$destination/$1$2'
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