Bash Shell Script Scripting Pipe – Piping for Loop Output Prevents Local Variable Modification


I'm trying to write a simple bash function that takes, as its arguments, a number of files and/or directories. It should:

  1. Fully qualify the filenames.
  2. Sort them.
  3. Remove duplicates.
  4. Print all that actually exist.
  5. Return the number of non-existent files.

I have a script that almost does what I want, but falls down on the sorting. The return value of the script as it stands is correct, but the output is not (unsorted and duplicates). If I uncomment the | sort -u statement as indicated, the output is correct but the return value is always 0.

N.B. Simpler solutions to solve the problem are welcome but the question is really about why is this occurring in the code I have. That is, why does adding the pipe seemingly stop the script incrementing the variable r?

Here's the script:

function uniqfile
    local r=0 

    for arg in "$@"
        readlink -e "$arg" || (( ++r ))

    done #| sort -u    ## remove that comment

    return $r

Best Answer

This is a well known bash pitfall, due to this feature:

Each command in a pipeline is executed as a separate process (i.e., in a subshell).

so that modified variables are local to the subshell, and not visible once back in the parent.

To avoid that, rephrase your code to avoid the pipeline, with a process substitution:

 for arg in "$@"
        readlink -e "$arg" || (( ++r ))

    done > >(sort -u)
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