Bash – “Permission denied” when starting binary despite “rwx” priviledge


I am trying to run the statistics software Stata 11 on Ubuntu 11.10. as a regular user and I get the following error message:

bash: xstata: Permission denied

The user priviledges seem ok to me, tough:

-rwxr-x--x 1 root root 16177752 2009-08-27 16:29 xstata*

I would very much appreciate some advice on how to resolve this issue!

Best Answer

In the ls output you can see the file owner(root) and group(root). The user priviiledges apply to file owner (rwx), file group (r-x) and others (--x). Because you are not the root (and I suppose that you are not in the root group), only other (--x) applies to you. Thus you can run the file, but not read it. As a quick fix, try chmod +r xstata, this gives the read permission to all.

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