Bash – Pass length of argument into bash command substitution


I'm trying to write a quick bash function that populates a with a $1\n followed by underscores the length of $1.

The code I found in other stackexchange questions showed that to print a character <n> times, use

printf '=%.0s' {1..<n>}

and indeed, this works (obviously replacing <n> with a number).

To create my, I thought the function would look something like this:

make_readme() {
    echo "$1
$(printf '=%.0s' {1..${#1}})" >

make_readme "Some project"

This, however, produces a file with this text:

Some project

As far as I can tell, ${#1} within the $(...) is being replaced with the empty string. My guess is that command substitutions get their own argument scopes, and since there are no arguments passed to the substitution, $1 is being replaced with nothing.

I did finally finagle a couple workarounds:

make_readme() {
    underline="printf '=%.0s' {1..${#1}}"
    echo "$1
$(eval "$underline")" >


make_readme() {
    echo "$1" >
    printf '=%.0s' {1..${#1}} >>

but it seems like there should be a way to do this in one line.

Best Answer



make_readme () {
    printf '%s\n%s\n' "$1" "$( eval "printf '=%.0s' {1..${#1}}" )"

make_readme 'Hello World!' >

or, if calling an external utility is ok,


make_readme () {
    # print $1, then replace all characters in it with = and print again
    sed 'p; s/./=/g' <<<"$1"

make_readme 'Hello World!' >

Both of these generate a file called containing

Hello World!
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