Bash – PS1 Prompt Overwrites First Line


I have played around with PS1 and PROMPT_COMMAND in bash to create a zsh-style right side prompt. I have a solution who almost works.

The problem is that if I write a long line of input, the second line overwrites the first one. The third line will appear nicely on a new line.

Maybe some line counter are of-by-one because my cursor movement, or is this a limitation/bug?

A simple example:

export PS1="prompt>\[\033[s\033[10C\]test\[\033[u\]"

Print prompt>, save position, move 10 characters to the left, print test, restore position.

The prompts looks nice and works perfectly, until i write more then one line of text.

Example 1, expected behaviour:

prompt>          test
prompt>ls        test
prompt>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28

Example 2, current behaviour:

prompt>          test
prompt>ls        test
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 253
26 27 28

Best Answer

Ah, of course. Test should not be counted as a visible character and should be included between \[ and \].

Working example:

export PS1="prompt>\[\033[s\033[10Ctest\033[u\]"

The reason was because if bash count test as a visible character it will assume it's left if the cursor and the calculation of available characters left on the current line will be off by four characters (length of 'test').

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