Terminal Output – Why Does Output from ls Have Newlines but Display on a Single Line?


I think I may be overlooking a relatively fundamental point regarding shell. Output from the ls command by default separates output with newlines, but the shell displays the output on a single line.

Can anyone explain this to me? I had always presumed that the output was simply separated by spaces, but now that I see the output separated by newlines, I would expect the output to be displaying on separate lines.


cpoweradm@debian:~/lpi103-4$ ls text*
text1  text2  text3

od shows that the output is separated by newlines:

cpoweradm@debian:~/lpi103-4$ ls text* | od -c
0000000   t   e   x   t   1  \n   t   e   x   t   2  \n   t   e   x   t
0000020   3  \n

If newlines are present, then why doesn't the output display as:


Best Answer

When you pipe the output, ls acts differently.

This fact is hidden away in the info documentation:

If standard output is a terminal, the output is in columns (sorted vertically) and control characters are output as question marks; otherwise, the output is listed one per line and control characters are output as-is.

To prove it, try running


and then

ls | less

This means that if you want the output to be guaranteed to be one file per line, regardless of whether it is being piped or redirected, you have to run

ls -1

(-1 is the number one)

Or, you can force ls | less to output in columns by running

ls -C

(-C is a capital C)