Bash – Object-Oriented Shell for Unix Systems


Preface: I love bash and have no intention of starting any sort of argument or holy-war, and hopefully this is not an extremely naive question.

This question is somewhat related to this post on superuser, but I don't think the OP really knew what he was asking for. I use bash on FreeBSD, linux, OS X, and cygwin on Windows. I've also had extensive experience recently with PowerShell on Windows.

Is there a shell for *nix, already available or in the works, that is compatible with bash but adds a layer of object-oriented scripting into the mix? The only thing I know of that comes close is the python console, but as far as I can tell it doesn't provide access to the standard shell environment. For example, I can't just cd ~ and ls, then chmod +x file inside the python console. I would have to use python to perform those tasks rather than the standard unix binaries, or call the binaries using python code.

Does such a shell exist?

Best Answer

I can think of three desirable features in a shell:

  • Interactive usability: common commands should be quick to type; completion; ...
  • Programming: data structures; concurrency (jobs, pipe, ...); ...
  • System access: working with files, processes, windows, databases, system configuration, ...

Unix shells tend to concentrate on the interactive aspect and subcontract most of the system access and some of the programming to external tools, such as:

  • bc for simple math
  • openssl for cryptography
  • sed, awk and others for text processing
  • nc for basic TCP/IP networking
  • ftp for FTP
  • mail, Mail, mailx, etc. for basic e-mail
  • cron for scheduled tasks
  • wmctrl for basic X window manipulation
  • dcop for KDE ≤3.x libraries
  • dbus tools (dbus-* or qdbus) for various system information and configuration tasks (including modern desktop environments such as KDE ≥4)

Many, many things can be done by invoking a command with the right arguments or piped input. This is a very powerful approach — better have one tool per task that does it well, than a single program that does everything but badly — but it does have its limitations.

A major limitation of unix shells, and I suspect this is what you're after with your “object-oriented scripting” requirement, is that they are not good at retaining information from one command to the next, or combining commands in ways fancier than a pipeline. In particular, inter-program communication is text-based, so applications can only be combined if they serialize their data in a compatible way. This is both a blessing and a curse: the everything-is-text approach makes it easy to accomplish simple tasks quickly, but raises the barrier for more complex tasks.

Interactive usability also runs rather against program maintainability. Interactive programs should be short, require little quoting, not bother you with variable declarations or typing, etc. Maintainable programs should be readable (so not have many abbreviations), should be readable (so you don't have to wonder whether a bare word is a string, a function name, a variable name, etc.), should have consistency checks such as variable declarations and typing, etc.

In summary, a shell is a difficult compromise to reach. Ok, this ends the rant section, on to the examples.

  • The Perl Shell (psh) “combines the interactive nature of a Unix shell with the power of Perl”. Simple commands (even pipelines) can be entered in shell syntax; everything else is Perl. The project hasn't been in development for a long time. It's usable, but hasn't reached the point where I'd consider using it over pure Perl (for scripting) or pure shell (interactively or for scripting).

  • IPython is an improved interactive Python console, particularly targetted at numerical and parallel computing. This is a relatively young project.

  • irb (interactive ruby) is the Ruby equivalent of the Python console.

  • scsh is a scheme implementation (i.e. a decent programming language) with the kind of system bindings traditionally found in unix shells (strings, processes, files). It doesn't aim to be usable as an interactive shell however.

  • zsh is an improved interactive shell. Its strong point is interactivity (command line edition, completion, common tasks accomplished with terse but cryptic syntax). Its programming features aren't that great (on par with ksh), but it comes with a number of libraries for terminal control, regexps, networking, etc.

  • fish is a clean start at a unix-style shell. It doesn't have better programming or system access features. Because it breaks compatibility with sh, it has more room to evolve better features, but that hasn't happened.

Addendum: another part of the unix toolbox is treating many things as files:

  • Most hardware devices are accessible as files.
  • Under Linux, /sys provides more hardware and system control.
  • On many unix variants, process control can be done through the /proc filesystem.
  • FUSE makes it easy to write new filesystems. There are already existing filesystems for converting file formats on the fly, accessing files over various network protocols, looking inside archives, etc.

Maybe the future of unix shells is not better system access through commands (and better control structures to combine commands) but better system access through filesystems (which combine somewhat differently — I don't think we've worked out what the key idioms (like the shell pipe) are yet).

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