Bash – nvm command not available in bash script

bashnode.jsshell-scriptsoftware installation

I am trying to build a script in in which nvm and eventually node will get installed.
I have installed nvm with cURL. I see the modifications in the .profile or .bashrc file (both work) and when typing the nvm at the bash prompt, it shows the options available etc.
So nvm works. Manually I can install node, but as soon as I put the nvm command in a shell script:



and run it with:

chmod 755

I get:

./ line 2: nvm: command not found

If it can't find nvm, I don't even have to think of

nvm ls-remote 


nvm install ...

I got Ubuntu 14.04 installed and Bash is my shell.

Best Answer

nvm command is a shell function declared in ~/.nvm/

You may source either of following scripts at the start of yours to make nvm() available:

. ~/.nvm/
. ~/.profile
. ~/.bashrc
. $(brew --prefix nvm)/  # if installed via Brew
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