Debug Bash – How to Debug Mysterious Bash Instances Using a Lot of CPU


I seem to have multiple bash processes running that are taking up most of my CPU. This is the output of top -c:

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S  %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND         
20116 terdon    20   0 35288  14m  292 R 400.0  0.2   0:00.43 /bin/bash       
20106 terdon    20   0 35992  15m  280 R  95.9  0.2   0:00.65 /bin/bash       
20105 terdon    20   0     0    0    0 R  57.6  0.0   0:00.83 [bash]          

This is the output of ps aux | grep bash | head -3:

terdon  7487 45.3  0.0      0     0 ?        R    19:31   0:01 [bash]
terdon  7488 66.0  0.0      0     0 ?        R    19:31   0:01 [bash]
terdon  7530 23.0  0.2  37984 17408 ?        R    19:31   0:00 /bin/bash

The PIDs change every time I run the command so it looks like something is constantly respawning bash.


  • There are multiple [bash] entries. If I understand correctly [process name] means that the process was launched with no command line arguments.
  • The PIDs change so something is spawning these.
  • I have logged out and logged back in (I am working in Cinnamon) and the problem persists.

Now, I imagine this will go away if I restart, my main question is what can I use to track these processes down?

top -c does not help, pgrep bash just gives me different lists of PIDs, lsof /bin/bash just lists running bash instances and pstree shows them as independent processes.

In case it is relevant, I am running Linux Mint Debian, kernel 3.2.0-4-amd64, GNU bash, version 4.2.36(1)-release.


I have since rebooted (I had to) and, as expected, the problem has gone away. I am still interested in useful suggestions of how to track down such processes though.

Best Answer

Take a look at the output of lsof | grep 'bash.*cwd'. That will tell you the current working directories of the processes.

If you have pstree, take a look at its output. If not, take a look at the output of ps aux -H. That will tell you which processes own these mystery processes.

Start looking through configuration files for anything suspicious. Here's an incomplete list of ones you should check:


The [process name] means that ps can't find that process' arguments, including argument 0 which contains the name of the file that was executed to create the process. That means lsof /bin/bash won't find these processes.