Bash – My script produces the same output when using $RANDOM


I am trying to print a random n letter word, where I input n from the command line itself, but for some reason my script is giving me the same answer every time when using the same value for n.

egrep "^.{$num}$" /usr/share/dict/words | head -n $RANDOM| tail -n 1

I am calling my script like:

$ bash 5
étude             # always the same output when using 5 

$ bash 3
zoo               # always the same output when using 3

where is the name of my script and 5 is the length of the word I want to print randomly.

How do I get it to print a truly random word?

Best Answer

It doesn't. But $RANDOM returns big numbers (between 0 and 32767) which, especially for words of limited lengths, shows the same result, as the head portion probably returns all the results of the grep (for 3, there are only 819 matches in my /usr/share/dict/words).

Better solution might be to shuffle the results:

egrep "^.{$num}$" /usr/share/dict/words | sort -R | tail -n 1

where -R means --random-sort (a GNU sort extension).

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