Rsync Move Files – How to Move Files and Delete Directories with Rsync


Recently I needed to delete a large number of files (over 1 million) and I read that doing:

rsync -av --delete `mktemp -d`/ ~/source && rmdir ~/source

Was one of the most optimized ways to do that, and I can vouch that it's faster than rm -rf.

I'm not an expert on the matter, but from my understanding the reason for rsync performance has something to do the way it lists files (LIFO instead of FIFO I suppose). Now, the problem is, I also need to to move a large number of files in a efficient way. After searching a bit, I found this:

rsync -av --ignore-existing --remove-source-files ~/source ~/destination

While this deletes all the moved files in ~/source, the directories remain there. Since I have a "round-robin"-like directory structure the number of files/directories is very close to 1, so I am forced to run the first command again to get rid of the directory entirely:

rsync -av --ignore-existing --remove-source-files ~/source ~/destination && \
rsync -av --delete `mktemp -d`/ ~/source && rmdir ~/source

A straight mv would finish virtually instantly, but my ~/destination directory has files that should be kept, so mv is not an option. I found the --prune-empty-dirs and --force rsync options, but neither seem to work as I would expect:

--force                 force deletion of directories even if not empty
--prune-empty-dirs      prune empty directory chains from the file-list
--remove-source-files   sender removes synchronized files (non-dirs)

Is there a way to mimic a move with rsync in one go?

Best Answer

I found this thread over on stackoverflow titled: Deleting folders with rsync “move”?, which is asking essentially the same question. One of the answers suggested doing the rsync in 2 commands since it appears there isn't a single command that can accomplish the move/remove of the files and the source directories.

$ rsync -av --ignore-existing --remove-source-files source/ destination/ && \
  rsync -av --delete `mktemp -d`/ source/ && rmdir source/

Alternatively you can do it using this command:

$ rsync -axvvES --remove-source-files source_directory /destination/ && \
  rm -rf source_directory

Not ideal but does the job.

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