Bash – Loop over a string in zsh and Bash


I would like to convert this Bash loop:

x="one two three"

for i in ${x}
    echo ${i}

in such a way to work with both Bash and zsh

This solution works:

x=( one two three )

for i in ${x[@]}
    echo ${i}

Anyway I am modifying x from a string to an array.

Is there a way to loop over $x in zsh when it is a string and in a way compatible with Bash?

I know about zsh setopt shwordsplit to emulate Bash, but I can't set it ad hoc for the loop, because it would not work in Bash.


Best Answer

if type emulate >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then emulate ksh; fi

In zsh, this activates options that make it more compatible with ksh and bash, including sh_word_split. In other shells, emulate doesn't exist so this does nothing.

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