Bash – Listen for exit of process given pid $$


Say I have a pid in hand, mypid=$$

is there some bash/system command I can use to listen for the exit of that process with the given pid?

If no process with mypid exists, I guess the command should simply fail.

Best Answer

I got what I needed from this answer:

..turns out using wait <pid> will only work if that pid is a child process of the current process.

However the following will work for any process:

To wait for any process to finish


tail --pid=$pid -f /dev/null

Darwin (requires that $pid has open files):

lsof -p $pid +r 1 &>/dev/null

With timeout (seconds)


timeout $timeout tail --pid=$pid -f /dev/null

Darwin (requires that $pid has open files):

lsof -p $pid +r 1m%s -t | grep -qm1 $(date -v+${timeout}S +%s 2>/dev/null || echo INF)
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