Linux – What Is Exit Status and List of All Status Codes


I'm trying to learn Linux bash scripting and I'm read through the articles in the sites I saw some kind log clearing scripting I notice that something is used for as an exit status.
I have given below a few script snippet from the article.

# Cleanup, version 3

#  Warning:
#  -------
#  This script uses quite a number of features that will be explained
#+ later on.
#  By the time you've finished the first half of the book,
#+ there should be nothing mysterious about it.

ROOT_UID=0     # Only users with $UID 0 have root privileges.
LINES=50       # Default number of lines saved.
E_XCD=86       # Can't change directory?
E_NOTROOT=87   # Non-root exit error.

What do the E_NOTROOT(86) and E_XCD(87), if both variables use the reserved
exit status code for the program or not?


If both variables just use the random number for this purpose.


Best Answer

Every execution has an Exit status. In general, zero means OK and non-zero is an error. That value is not shown naturally in the standard output. You can see that value typing echo $? after every executed command.

For example if you type:

mkdir test;echo $? If you have the right perms, you will create the directory and then you will see a zero.

but if you write mkdir testing/test;echo $? having the right perms but without having the "testing" subdir, you will see the error message and then a "1".

This is a very important tool in GNU/Linux because the commands can be interconnected. And (just as example) if you use double-ampersand for connecting commands, the second command ONLY is executed if the first command has a zero value on the exit. There are many ways to connect commands. To learn more just type man bash

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