Bash Script – Source Encrypted GPG File On-the-Fly


I need a bash script to source a file that is encrypted, as the file being sourced contains sensitive information.

I would like the script to prompt for the GPG passphrase and then run, sourcing the encrypted file. I cannot figure out how to do this though. There must be user input for the passphrase, as I don't want to store a key on the server with the encrypted file.

Looking into some different methods, I do not want to decrypt the file, source the non-encrypted file, then delete it after. I would like to reduce the chance of leaving an non-encrypted file behind, if something went wrong in the script.

Is there a way to get the GPG output of a file to source it this way? Possibly collecting STDOUT and parsing it (if GPG can even output the contents this way).

Also, if there is another way to encrypt a file that shell scripts can use, I am not aware of it, but open to other possibilities.

Best Answer

You can do this using process substitution.

. <(gpg -qd "$encrypted_filename")

Here's an example:

% cat > to-source <<< 'echo "Hello"'
% . ./to-source                     
% gpg -e -r to-source
% . <(gpg -qd to-source.gpg)

gpg -d does not persist the file to disk, it just outputs it to stdout. <() uses a FIFO, which also does not result in the actual file data being written to disk.

In bash, . and source are synonyms, but . is more portable (it's part of POSIX), so I've used it here. Note, however, that <() is not as portable -- as far as I know it's only supported in bash, zsh, ksh88, and ksh93. pdksh and mksh have coprocesses which can have the same effect.

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