Multiple Concurrent Coprocesses in Bash – Is It Possible?


The intent of the test script1 below is to start an "outer" coprocess (running seq 3), read from this coprocess in a while-loop, and for each line read, print a line identifying the current iteration of the outer loop, start an "inner" coprocess (also running seq, with new arguments), read from this inner coprocess in a nested while loop, and then clean up this inner coprocess. The nested while loop prints some output for each line it reads from the inner coprocess.

# filename:

coproc OUTER { seq 3; }

exec {OUTER_READER}<&"${OUTER[0]}"
while IFS= read -r -u "${OUTER_READER}" OUTER_INDEX; do

    printf -- '%d\n' "${OUTER_INDEX}"

    START=$(( OUTER_INDEX * 1000000 ))

    # (
      coproc INNER { seq "${START}" "${FINISH}"; }
      exec {INNER_READER}<&"{INNER[0]}"

      while IFS= read -r -u "${INNER_READER}" INNER_INDEX; do
          printf -- '    %d\n' "${INNER_INDEX}"

      exec {INNER_READER}<&-

      wait "${SAVED_INNER_PID}"
    # )

exec {OUTER_READER}<&-

When I run this script, this is the output I get:

% ./
./ line 30: warning: execute_coproc: coproc [12523:OUTER] still exists
./ line 19: INNER_READER: ambiguous redirect
./ line 21: read: : invalid file descriptor specification
./ line 25: INNER_READER: ambiguous redirect
./ line 19: INNER_READER: ambiguous redirect
./ line 21: read: : invalid file descriptor specification
./ line 25: INNER_READER: ambiguous redirect
./ line 19: INNER_READER: ambiguous redirect
./ line 21: read: : invalid file descriptor specification
./ line 25: INNER_READER: ambiguous redirect

I get pretty much the same output if I uncomment the two commented lines.

Q1: Is it possible to have multiple coprocesses running at the same time?

Q2: If so, how should the script above be modified to achieve the desired output?

1 I've only recently started to work with coprocesses, and there is still a lot I don't understand. As a result, this script almost certainly contains incorrect, awkward, or unnecessary code. Please feel free to comment on and/or fix these weaknesses in your responses.

Best Answer

From the "BUGS" section at the very end of the bash manual:

There may be only one active coprocess at a time.

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