Bash – Start Reading a File from an Arbitrary Byte Count Offset

bashfilesystemstext processing

I want to locate a date which is somewhere in an 8 GB log (text).

Can I somewhat bypass a full sequential read, and first do binary splits of the file (size), or somehow navigating the filesystem inodes (which I know very little about), to start reading from each split point, until I find a suitable offset from where to start my text search for a line cotaining the date?

tail's read of the last line doesn't use a normal sequential read, so I wonder if this facility is somehow available in bash, or would I need to use Python or C/C++… but I am specifically interested in a bash option..

Best Answer

for (( block = 0; block < 16; block += 1 ))
    echo $block; 
    dd if=INPUTFILE skip=$((block*512))MB bs=64 count=1 status=noxfer 2> /dev/null | \
        head -n 1

which .. creates no temp-split files, skips blocks * 512MB of data at each run, reads 64 bytes from that position and limits the output to the first line of that 64 bytes.

you might want to adjust 64 to whatever you think you need.

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