Bash – Is flock & exec safe in bash


The "standard" locking snippet I've seen goes something like…

    flock -n 200 || exit 1;
    # do stuff
) 200>program.lock

Is it safe (testing seems to say so) to use exec at that point? Will the subprocess retain the lock?

    flock -n 200 || exit 1;
    exec /usr/bin/python
) 200>program.lock

I vaguely remember exec'd processes retain open file descriptors and since flock uses file descriptors it should work. But I cannot find any documentation that makes that definitive and clear.

For the record, this is specific to Linux.

Best Answer

Yes, locks are preserved across exec. Locks are preserved across the underlying system call execve, as long as the file descriptor remains open. File descriptors remain open across execve unless they have been configured to be closed on exec, and file descriptors created by shell redirection are not marked as close-on-exec.

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