Bash – In Bash Vi mode, I get thrown into Insert mode automatically after one key press


I am using the bash shell with the XFCE4 terminal. I have configured the shell so that it is in Vi mode.

I have done this by adding the following line in my ~/.bashrc file:

set -o vi

When in a shell in Normal Mode, the first character I press gets inputed in Normal Mode but then I get thrown in Insert Mode.


I am in Normal Mode. If I press b, I will go back one word and get dropped in Insert Mode.

If I press bb, I will have got back one word, enter Insert Mode and then insert the b character.

Another example, if I press dd, the first d will be caught by Normal Mode, I will then go to Insert Mode where the second d will be inserted.

If I manually enter set -o vi in the shell (whether it is in my .bashrc or not) I will not get this behaviour and instead get the normal behaviour. I know the change in my .bashrc is getting read as I am not in Emacs mode.

I am using bash 4.2.45(1)-release.

Here is the full content of my .bashrc:

  PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting
  set -o vi

Best Answer

I fixed my problem after reading the comment from @Patrick

The behavior you're describing is emacs mode.

Which made me realise I wasn't in vi mode. I also put the

set -o vi

Line in my .bash_profile and now everything works fine. Which is weird because from what I read .bash_profile is used for login shells and .bashrc for interactive non-login shells which I would believe is my situation.

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