Bash – Identifying duplicate fields and print both with awk


I have a file with multiple columns and want to identify those where specific column values (cols 3-6) have been duplicated.

The following code finds the duplicates but I want to display both instances, not just the second. The other column values (cols 1, 2 and 7+) can be different between the 2 lines hence the need for me to view both instances.

awk 'seen[$3, $4, $5, $6]++ == 1' filename

Best Answer

uniq is the correct tool for that:

uniq -D -f2 file


  • -D - prints all duplicates
  • -f2 - avoid comparing the first 2 fields

Edit: If the fields 7 and above are not to be compared, you need awk:

awk 'n=x[$3,$4,$5,$6]{print n"\n"$0;} {x[$3,$4,$5,$6]=$0;}' file
  • The array item x[] (columns 3-6) is checked. If it's already set run the part in {...} (in the same statement the n variable is set to the value of that array item)
  • In the brackets {...}: The n variable and the current line $0 are printed.
  • Then we set the x[] array item for the next iteration to the current line contents, for later comparsion.
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