dd Command – Write File at Various Offsets to Filesystem Partition



I want to write a file at various offsets into the partition

Partition /dev/part2 is mounted at /mypart

I tried the command below:

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mypart/aaa bs=1024 seek=0 count=15000
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mypart/aaa bs=1024 seek=15000 count=15000
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mypart/aaa bs=1024 seek=30000 count=15000

Are they doing what I want to do? Are they writing a file to the partition at offset 0, 15000K and 30000K?

At what offset is the file written if I omit seek from dd

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mypart/aaa bs=1024 count=15000

Best Answer

You can't "write a file" at an "offset into the partition" using dd this way -- you are just writing data into a file named "aaa" within the mounted file system on that partition.

"seek=" will indeed cause dd to lseek to the given position before beginning its writes -- that means that it will simply create a file called /mypart/aaa and lseek the given number of blocks into that file before writing.

If you omit "seek=", dd will write starting at the beginning of the file named "aaa".

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