Bash – How to use zypper in bash scripts for someone coming from apt-get


I have a few questions about moving from apt-get to zypper in bash scripts.

What is the equivalent of this?

sudo apt-get install curl --assume-yes

(where curl could be any package)

I found the Zypper Cheat Sheet – openSUSE. Very nice! But I would appreciate the voice of experience here — what's the right way to use zypper in a script where I want to auto agree to all prompts and not skip things that need a response?

With my inexperience I would be tempted to use:

sudo zypper --non-interactive --no-gpg-checks --quiet install --auto-agree-with-licenses curl

But is that really the equivalent of --assume-yes?

What about the equivalent for these?

sudo apt-get autoremove -y
sudo apt-get autoclean -y

This suggests there isn't one…

Is there a replacement for gdebi-core? Or is gdebi not ever needed with zypper's "powerful satisfiability solver"? I use gdebi for situations where I need to install a package on an older version and I have a .deb file already (but not all the dependencies).

Best Answer

In general, you should use --non-interactive mode, in shortcut -n, when running zypper non-interactively:

zypper -n install curl

That might seem confusing for someone coming from apt-get install -y curl. Some zypper sub-commands also support a command-specific -y/--no-confirm option as an alias for -n/--non-interactive, but not all sub-commands do. As the install command does implement that, this command is equivalent to the above:

zypper install -y curl

Note that the -y must come after install, while the global -n option comes before the subcommand (zypper install -n means something different; read the man page for that).

[Edit] The section below is no longer accurate, but is retained for historical reference. Current zypper supports the --gpg-auto-import-keys option to automatically import and trust the gpg keys associated with a new repository.

According to documentation there's no way how to accept a GPG key without interactive mode:

a new key can be trusted or imported in the interactive mode only

Even with --no-gpgp-checks the GPG key will be rejected.

A workaround for scripts is to use pipe and echo:

zypper addrepo my_name | echo 'a'
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