Bash – How to Switch to vi Editing Mode in Readline


I want to switch to vi editing mode in a readline environment. But I don't want to use 'set -o vi'. I want to temporarily switch using a keyboard shortcut. The man page says I can do this with M-C-j. But that doesn't work for me.

I'm using Ubuntu and an xterm. Doesn't work under gnome-terminal either.

Best Answer

I'd confirm that the keyboard mapping Meta+Control+j is in fact correct on your system. You can use this command to list all the keybinds for the various modes of Bash. On my system there wasn't a keybinding either.

$ bind -P| grep edit
edit-and-execute-command can be found on "\C-x\C-e".
emacs-editing-mode is not bound to any keys
vi-editing-mode is not bound to any keys

You can do the following so that when you type Esc+e it will toggle between the 2 modes.

$ set -o emacs
$ bind '"\ee": vi-editing-mode'
$ set -o vi
$ bind '"\ee": emacs-editing-mode'

The bind command now shows this:

in vi mode

$ bind -P |grep edit
edit-and-execute-command is not bound to any keys
emacs-editing-mode can be found on "\ee".
vi-editing-mode is not bound to any keys

in emacs mode

$ bind -P |grep edit
edit-and-execute-command can be found on "\C-x\C-e".
emacs-editing-mode is not bound to any keys
vi-editing-mode can be found on "\ee".

Now you can use Esc+e to toggle between the 2 different modes.