Bash Command-Line – How to Start Line with Command from Output of Another Command

bashcommand line

Sometimes the output of some command include other commands. And I'd like to start that command from output without using a mouse. For example, when command is not installed there is a message with line for installing this command:

$ htop
The program 'htop' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install htop

So. There I'd like to type a command, that will start the command from last line from output of htop. How it can be done?

Edit: I'll try show what I mean. There are two lines in "output" of command htop (actually, it's an error message). Second line of this message is the command sudo apt-get install htop. So I'd like to extract second line from output, and start it's like command itself. The following is a rubbish but it shows what I mean:

htop | tail -1 | xargs start_command

Best Answer

The right thing to do here is to set up bash to prompt for installation, as explained in SamK's answer. I'll answer strictly from a shell usage perspective.

First, the text you're trying to grab is on the command's standard error, but a pipe redirects the standard output, so you need to redirect stderr to stdout.

htop 2>&1 | tail -1

To use the output of a command as part of a command line, use command substitution.

$(htop 2>&1 | tail -1)

The result of the command substitution is split into words and each word is interpreted as a wildcard pattern. Here this happens to do the right thing: this is a command line with words separated by spaces, and there are no wildcard characters.

To evaluate a string as a shell command, use eval. To treat the result of the command as a string rather than a list of wildcard patterns, put it in double quotes.

eval "$(htop 2>&1 | tail -1)"

Of course, before evaluating a shell command like that, make sure it's really what you want to execute.

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