Bash – How to run part of a script with reduced privileges


I have the following problem: On every machine running Postgresql there is a special user postgres. This user has administrative access to the database server.

Now I want to write a Bash script that executes a database command with psql as user postgres (psql shall execute as user postgres, not the script). So far, that wouldn't be a problem: I could just run the script as user postgres.

However, I want to write the output of psql to a file in a directory where postgres has no write access.

How can I do that?

I thought about changing EUIDs in the script itself, however:

  1. I couldn't find a way to change the EUID in a Bash script
  2. How can I change the EUID when using something like
    psql -U postgres -c "<command>" > file?

Best Answer

Use a subshell: (su -c 'psql -U postgres -c "<command>"' postgres) > file

Inside the subshell you can drop permissions to do your work, but output is redirected to your original shell which still has your original permissions.

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