Bash – how to pass multiple commands to sqlite3 in a one liner shell command


I'm trying to save clipboard content into an sqlite database. Created database and tables.

I don't want it to create journal file in every clipboard change, so I tried to pass PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF; flag. But it's tricky to pass those commands in a one liner commands because sqlite only accepts two command like

sqlite3 clipboard_archive.db "insert into cb (cb_context) values ('clipboard');"

it works.
I looked for Q&A sites, some advises echoing the commands in the following way.

echo "PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF;" | sqlite3 clipboard_archive.db "insert into cb (cb_context) values ('clipboard');"

But PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF; doesn't take effect in that way though it works within the sqlite3 command prompt.

What's wrong with my one liner script?

Best Answer

Not sure why you want to use SQLite if you don't want the journal (have you considered the much faster WAL mode if speed is a concern?) but you can give multiple commands separated by semicolons:

sqlite3 clipboard_archive.db "PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF; insert into cb (cb_context) values ('clipboard');"
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