Bash Scripting – How to Open or List Files Matching Two Patterns


Suppose that I have a directory with thousands of files; how could I open all files whose name contains both the strings "red" and "green"?

Best Answer

(On the assumption that you're looking for file names that contain both the string "red" and the string "green")

To pointlessly use bash to test filenames against 'red' and 'green' using the =~ regular expression match operator:

for f in *
  [[ $f =~ red && $f =~ green ]] && echo Bash: yes: "$f" || echo Bash: no: "$f"

To use standard shell syntax using case and globs to find the same files:

for f in *
  case "$f" in
    *green*red*|*red*green*) echo Case: yes: $f;; 
    *) echo Case: no: $f;; 

Even simpler, with your shell's globbing:

printf "Glob: %s\n" *green*red* *red*green*

Sample run:

$ touch a b aredgreenb agreenredb agreenbred aredbgreen red green redgreen greenred

$ for f in *
>     do
>       [[ $f =~ red && $f =~ green ]] && echo Bash: yes: "$f" || echo Bash: no: "$f"
>     done
Bash: no: a
Bash: yes: agreenbred
Bash: yes: agreenredb
Bash: yes: aredbgreen
Bash: yes: aredgreenb
Bash: no: b
Bash: no: green
Bash: yes: greenred
Bash: no: red
Bash: yes: redgreen

$ for f in *
>     do
>       case "$f" in
>         *green*red*|*red*green*) echo Case: yes: $f;;
>         *) echo Case: no: $f;;
>       esac
>     done
Case: no: a
Case: yes: agreenbred
Case: yes: agreenredb
Case: yes: aredbgreen
Case: yes: aredgreenb
Case: no: b
Case: no: green
Case: yes: greenred
Case: no: red
Case: yes: redgreen

$ printf "Glob: %s\n" *green*red* *red*green*
Glob: agreenbred
Glob: agreenredb
Glob: greenred
Glob: aredbgreen
Glob: aredgreenb
Glob: redgreen
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