Bash – How to Make Sudo Forget the Password Automatically After One Command


My problem is the following: I want to edit a file that is only readable by root. That's why I use

sudo vim ~/thefile

I could type

sudo -K

after exiting vim, but I was hoping that there's an option or something that makes sudo forget the password automatically. Of course I thought about editing the sudoers file and setting the timeout to 0, but I don't want to change the settings in general. I also found nothing in the manpage…

Is there a way to do this?

If interesting: I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and bash.

Best Answer

There isn't an option to sudo that will do exactly what you want, but you can make a shell function that will create a new command sudok, which will run the sudo command and then have sudo remove its cached credentials.

function sudok () { sudo "$@"; sudo -K; }

Add that line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile to make it permanent.

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