Bash – How to Kill All Jobs in Bash


So, I have some jobs like this:

sleep 30 | sleep 30 &

The natural way to think would be:

kill `jobs -p`

But that kills only the first sleep but not the second.

Doing this kills both processes:

kill %1

But that only kills at most one job if there are a lot of such jobs running.

It shouldn't kill processes with the same name but not run in this shell.

Best Answer

Use this:

pids=( $(jobs -p) )
[ -n "$pids" ] && kill -- "${pids[@]/#/-}"

jobs -p prints the PID of process group leaders. By providing a negative PID to kill, we kill all the processes belonging to that process group (man 2 kill). "${pids[@]/#/-}" just negates each PID stored in array pids.

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