Bash – How to iterate through dynamically changing list of files – Ubuntu bash


I have the function:

function vacatetmp () {
    echo "Vacating TMP folder ${1}...."
    for i in "$1"/*; do
        if [ -f "$i" ]; then
            caseit "$i"
          elif [ -d "$i" ]; then
               vacatetmp "$i"

It works fine if the content inside the target folder is static – i.e no change to the files while the function is invoked. But the problem is that another function reference in this code as caseit, can and does add new files to the target folder. Since the target folder list "$1"/* is an array that is listed when for is invoked, the new files created by caseit are NOT added to that array, and thus are not taken care of by the recursion in function vacatetmp. Can someone please help by suggesting a way to deal with this issue? I would like this function to also take care of new files added by caseit function.

For clarity sakes, caseit function looks up a mime type of the $i file passed to it by vacatetmp and unzips the files into the target folder "$1" – since archives can contain multiple directory hierarchies I have no way of knowing how deep the files will be created, which is the reason for using recursive function.

Best Answer

Iterate over the files first, open them, then iterate over the directories.

for i in "$1/*"; do [[ -f "$i" ]] && caseit "$i"; done; 
for i in "$1/*"; do [[ -d "$i" ]] && vacatetmp "$i"; done

It would be more thorough to also call vacatetmp() from within caseit(), at it's end. But I doubt that is needed, and would lead to less maintainable code.

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