Bash – How to have the .bashrc only invoke TMUX if it exists on the system


I use tmux on most boxes, but not all.

I have the following line in my .bashrc file:

[ -z "$TMUX" ] && export TERM=xterm-256color && exec tmux

which invoke tmux if it exists.

I thought the [ -z $TMUX ] meant that it would only be used if tmux exists.

However on another system, without tmux, I get

-bash: exec: tmux: not found

and the login attempt fails

On my main system I see

$ echo $TMUX

I also tried just [ $TMUX ] (i.e. no -z) but that didn't help

I'm also looking for a robust solution that works in Ubuntu as well as OSX

Best Answer

Did you do echo $TMUX, while in a tmux session? Because TMUX is only set, when in a session.

Try that instead:

[ -z "$TMUX" ] && command -v tmux >/dev/null && TERM=xterm-256color exec tmux
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