Bash – How to execute a remote alias over an SSH

aliasbashcommand linessh

How do I execute a remote alias over an SSH?

For instance, there is a rather complex alias for rkhunter, and I would like to execute it in one command over ssh like that:

ssh user@server_ip -p port_number -t alias_name_defined_on_server

To be exact, the alias is defined in .bash_aliases which is sourced by .bashrc of this particular user.

Best Answer

A working answer was published in SO, quoted below:

Quoted from the man page of bash: Aliases are not expanded when the shell is not interactive, unless the expand_aliases shell option is set using shopt ...

So the simplest way IMO is to put the following lines at the top of your /home/<user>/.bashrc file:

# comment out the original line
# [ -z "$PS1" ] && return

if [ -z "$PS1" ]; then
  shopt -s expand_aliases
  # alias ls='ls --color=always'
  # return

Save and exit. Now you can run ssh user@host "your_alias" successfully.

Note: If your ~/.bashrc hold something like the below, comment the line that return when the shell is not interactive:

# If not running interactively, don't do anything
 case $- in
     *i*) ;;
       *) return;;