Bash Scripting – How to Evaluate Math Equations Line by Line


I have a file with the following:

37 * 60 + 55.52
34 * 60 + 51.75
36 * 60 + 2.88
36 * 60 + 14.94
36 * 60 + 18.82
36 * 60 + 8.37
37 * 60 + 48.71
36 * 60 + 34.17
37 * 60 + 42.52
37 * 60 + 51.55
35 * 60 + 34.76
34 * 60 + 18.90
33 * 60 + 49.63
34 * 60 + 37.73
36 * 60 + 4.49

I need to write a shell command or Bash script that, for each line in this file, evaluates the equation and prints the result. For example, for line one I expect to see 2275.52 printed. Each result should print once per line.

I've tried cat math.txt | xargs -n1 expr, but this doesn't work. It also seems like awk might be able to do this, but I'm unfamiliar with that command's syntax, so I don't know what it would be.

Best Answer

This awk seems to do the trick:

while IFS= read i; do 
  awk "BEGIN { print ($i) }"
done < math.txt

From here

Note that we're using ($i) instead of $i to avoid problems with arithmetic expressions like 1 > 2 (print 1 > 2 would print 1 into a file called 2, while print (1 > 2) prints 0, the result of that arithmetic expression).

Note that since the expansion of the $i shell variable ends up being interpreted as code by awk, that's essentially a code injection vulnerability. If you can't guarantee the file only contains valid arithmetic expressions, you'd want to put some input validation in place. For instance, if the file had a system("rm -rf ~") line, that could have dramatic consequences.

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