Bash – How to detect dos format files in git bash


Git Bash is a nice bash shell you get in Windows as part of the installation of Git. It comes with other typical unix tools bundled inside, such as grep, sed, awk, perl. It doesn't have the file command.

In this shell, I want to detect files that have DOS-style line endings. I thought this command would work but it doesn't:

grep -l ^M$ *

It doesn't work, even files that don't have CR line endings match. For example if I create 2 sample files hello.unix and hello.dos, I can confirm with wc that hello.unix has 6 characters and hello.dos has 7 characters because of the extra CR, but both files match with grep. That is:

$ cat hello.*

$ wc hello.*
      1       1       7 hello.dos
      1       1       6 hello.unix
      2       2      13 total

$ grep -l ^M hello.*

Is this a bug in the implementation of grep in Git Bash?
Is there another way to find all files with DOS-style line endings?

Best Answer

EDIT: Silly me. Of course ^M is CR; and your command should work (works on my system). However, you need to type Ctrl-V Ctrl-M to get the literal '\r'/CR (and not two characters, ^ and M).


Do this:

find dir -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l `printf '\r\n'`

Or this:

find dir -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -lP '\r\n'

You can also use the file utility (not sure if it comes with GIT bash):

find dir -type f -print0 | xargs -0 file | grep CRLF
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