Bash – How to debug and fix slow autocomplete in bash


After a recent update (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS), TAB complete on the command line is slow. After entering a partial command (e.g evi [TAB]) or partial filename (e.g. evince somedocu[TAB]) the shell, sometimes though not always, hangs for several seconds.

Personally, I'd prefer a less powerfull autocomplete to a slow one. Is there a simple fix?

Edit: Additional information related to comments:

  • PATH is pretty standard. ~/bin has some bash scripts

    $ echo $PATH
  • The number of files in the working directory is less than 100.

  • The autocomplete feature was especially slow after unusual disk activity (system upgrade). It is, thus, possible, that rereading /usr/bin and other directories caused the lag.

Best Answer

I don't know about fixing — there are all kinds of things that could go cause delays. But I can offer a few tips to investigate.

Just as a guess, maybe there's a directory somewhere in a search path ($PATH, or some place where bash looks for completion data) that's on a filesystem which is slow to respond. Usually it's remote filesystems that are slow, but it could also be a failing hard disk, a hung FUSE driver, etc.

The first step to investigate is to run set -x to get a trace of the commands that the shell executes to generate the completions. Watch where it pauses.

If that doesn't give enough information, bring in the big guns. Note the shell's process ID (echo $$). In another terminal, run strace -f -s9999 -p$$ (or the equivalent of strace if running on another unix flavor). Strace lists the system calls performed by the process. See if it seems to be accessing files that it shouldn't, or if access to some files is slow. Adding the option -T to the strace command line makes it show the time spent in each system call.